The Cartridge for iron removal of water is made of cation exchange thread. It removes dissolved and undissolved iron, manganese and heavy metals from water.
Filtration efficiency:
Iron dissolved – not less than 90%
Manganese – not less than 95%
Lead – at least 96%
Copper – not less than 75%
Conditions of application:
Water temperature – +4…+ 60 C
Concentration of dissolved iron – not more than 5 mg/lt.
We produce different cartridges 10Sl, 10 BB, 20 Sl, 20 BB.
Fe 10 Sl 250/60 mm. Capacity – 10 lt/min, Resourse – 15 000 lt.
Fe 10 BB 250/110 mm. Capacity 20 lt/min. Resourse – 85 000 lt.
Fe 20 BB 508/110 mm. 40 lt/min 170 000 lt.
« * »- cartridge resource is depended of the quality of water and is indicated on the concentration of iron dissolve – not more 1 mg./lt.
What do you think?