Jug filter “Grifon” is perfect for giving the whole family fresh, filtered water every day.
Geyser jar filters Griffin for water purification in the apartment and out of town. Five steps cleaning replaceable filter elements allow to purify the water quality of any natural composition. It does not require connection to the water supply.
The filter jug features:
– The solid lid allows pouring purified water from the jug before fully filtration
– Sticker no sliding handle
– Plastic for food
– Balanced center of gravity
– Total volume jar – 3.0 liters
– Volume of pure water – 1.4 lt
– Filtration rate of 0.5 to 0.2 l / min.
– Filter size: 28 cm x 10 cm x 26 cm.
– Filter cartridges resources – 300 lt.
Jarra con filtra “Griffon” es perfecto para la purificación del agua en el apartamento o en el campo. Cinco pasos de elementos reemplazables de filtro permiten purificar del agua de cualquier composición natural. No requiere conexión al suministro de agua.
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